Motivation and Goal Setting

How To Motivate Yourself To Exercise?

Regular exercise is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. It can help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and improve your mental health. Despite knowing the benefits of exercise, it can be challenging to find the motivation to get moving.

Motivation is the key to sticking with an exercise routine. It’s normal to have days when you don’t feel like working out, but it’s important to push through those feelings and stay committed to your goals. In this article, we’ll discuss some tips and strategies to help you stay motivated and make exercise a regular part of your life.

1. Give Yourself A Real Reward

Getting motivated to exercise can be challenging, but one solution is to give yourself a real reward as motivation. While the long-term benefits of exercise may not be immediately apparent, making the rewards more tangible can help. Treat yourself to something enjoyable, like a bubble bath or a favorite treat, after completing a workout to create a positive association in your brain.

Extrinsic rewards, such as treats, can create a neurological “habit loop” and make exercise more likely to become a habit. However, it’s important to remember that intrinsic rewards, like stress relief and a sense of achievement, are just as important.

Another effective way to stay motivated is to commit financially to exercise, such as by signing up for classes or subscriptions. This creates a financial incentive to stick with your routine and view exercise as an investment in your health.

By combining extrinsic rewards, intrinsic benefits, and financial incentives, you can increase your motivation and make exercise a more enjoyable and habitual part of your life.

2. Find Your Fitness Tribe

Motivating yourself to exercise can be a challenge, but finding a fitness tribe can make all the difference. A supportive community of like-minded individuals can help build confidence, strength and create accountability.

There are various fitness squads available, from CrossFit boxes to run clubs to yogi circles, and finding a workout that makes you feel good and surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals can make exercise not only easier but enjoyable as well.

Working out with a buddy can also make a huge difference; research shows that having a workout partner can increase workout time and intensity by 200 percent. Finding someone perceived as more physically fit can push you to be your best self and take your workouts to the next level.

Overall, building a fitness tribe can help you stay motivated and consistent while achieving your fitness goals. So, whether it’s joining a gym or club or finding a workout partner, taking the time to find your fitness tribe is well worth the effort.

3. Have Fun

Incorporating enjoyable activities into your exercise routine can greatly enhance your motivation to stay active. One way to make exercise more enjoyable is to include unstructured movement, allowing yourself to freely move without strict rules or structure. Dancing, jumping, or moving to your favorite music can transform exercise into a playful experience.

Group fitness classes offer another avenue to make exercise enjoyable. Not only do these classes provide a social aspect, but they also offer motivation and accountability. Whether it’s yoga, bootcamp, or cycling, working out with others adds a fun element to your routine.

If structured classes aren’t your preference, exercising with a friend, family member, or coworker can make it a social and enjoyable experience. Going for walks, hiking, or playing a game of basketball together can turn exercise into a fun activity.

By incorporating enjoyable activities, unstructured movement, and group fitness into your routine, you can make exercise more enjoyable and increase your motivation to stay active. Remember to experiment and find what works best for you to transform exercise from a chore into a fun and rewarding part of your life.

4. Use The 10-Minute Rule

Are you lacking the motivation to exercise? Or maybe you find that you’re constantly running out of time to fit a workout into your busy schedule? If so, then the 10-minute rule might be just what you need to get moving.

The 10-minute rule involves telling yourself that you will only do 10 minutes of exercise, including the warm-up and one exercise or a quick circuit. Even if it seems like a small amount of time, remember that one push-up or one minute of exercise is better than doing nothing at all.

This strategy is particularly useful if you’re struggling to initiate exercise due to a lack of motivation or if you’re short on time. By setting a time limit for your workout, you’re more likely to get started and eventually find that you’re enjoying yourself and don’t want to stop at just ten minutes.

In fact, one of James Clear’s readers lost over 100lbs by using this technique. By making a habit of the 10-minute rule, she gradually increased her workout time and intensity until she was exercising regularly for an hour or more.

So next time you’re finding it hard to get moving, give the 10-minute rule a try. It’s a time-efficient and effective way to motivate yourself to exercise, even when it seems daunting at first.

5. Get Your Activewear On

Finding motivation for exercise can be challenging, but there are strategies to help. Choosing activewear that fits well and makes you feel good can boost confidence and energy levels, enhancing performance. Look for comfortable, functional pieces that absorb sweat and provide support.

Setting new fitness goals adds purpose to your exercise routine. Whether it’s a 5K run or weightlifting targets, having something to work towards motivates you. Partnering up or joining group activities adds accountability and turns exercise into a social event.

Combat boredom by trying new activities or challenging yourself in different ways. Incorporate yoga or strength training, keeping your routine fresh and exciting. Flexibility is crucial, as unexpected interruptions occur. Adapt your schedule or modify workouts to accommodate changes while still staying active. Remember, even small bursts of activity, like a short home workout or a walk, contribute to a healthier lifestyle.


In conclusion, motivating yourself to exercise can be challenging, but it is essential for your physical and mental well-being. By setting realistic goals, finding an exercise routine that you enjoy, and rewarding yourself for your progress, you can stay motivated and on track. Remember, exercise is not just about losing weight or having a six-pack; it’s about feeling good, being healthy, and living your best life. So, start small, stay consistent, and don’t give up. You got this!